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vendredi 8 février 2013

Tips :How to Be Smart

Your brain needs exercise just like a muscle. If you use it often and in the right ways, you will become a more skilled thinker and increase your ability to focus. But if you never use your brain, or abuse it with harmful chemicals, your ability to think and learn will deteriorate.
Here are 5 simple ways anyone can squeeze a bit more productivity out of the old gray matter.

1. Minimize Television Watching – This is a hard sell. People love vegetating in front of the television, myself included more often than I’d like. The problem is watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise.
Don’t you feel drained after a couple hours of TV? Your eyes are sore and tired from being focused on the light box for so long. You don’t even have the energy to read a book.
When you feel like relaxing, try reading a book instead. If you’re too tired, listen to some music. When you’re with your friends or family, leave the tube off and have a conversation. All of these things use your mind more than television and allow you to relax.
2. Exercise – I used to think that I’d learn more by not exercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that time spent exercising always leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily.
3. Read Challenging Books – Many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books aren’t mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus. Reading a classic novel can change your view of the world and will make you think in more precise, elegant English. Don’t be afraid to look up a word if you don’t know it, and don’t be afraid of dense passages. Take your time, re-read when necessary, and you’ll soon grow accustomed to the author’s style.
Once you get used to reading challenging books, I think you’ll find that you aren’t tempted to go back to page-turners. The challenge of learning new ideas is far more exciting than any tacky suspense-thriller.
4. Early to Bed, Early to Rise – Nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. You’ll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early and don’t sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, you’ll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing. In my experience the early morning hours are the most tranquil and productive. Waking up early gives you more productive hours and maximizes your mental acuity all day.
If you have the opportunity, take 10-20 minute naps when you are hit with a wave of drowsiness. Anything longer will make you lethargic, but a short nap will refresh you.
5. Take Time to Reflect – Often our lives get so hectic that we become overwhelmed without even realizing it. It becomes difficult to concentrate because nagging thoughts keep interrupting. Spending some time alone in reflection gives you a chance organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities. Afterwards, you’ll have a better understanding of what’s important and what isn’t. The unimportant stuff won’t bother you anymore and your mind will feel less encumbered.
I’m not saying you need to sit on the floor cross-legged and chant ‘ommm’. Anything that allows a bit of prolonged solitude will do. One of my personal favorites is taking a solitary walk. Someone famous said, “All the best ideas occur while walking.” I think he was on to something. Experiment to find the activity that works best for you.
Conclusion – I hope you aren’t disappointed that none of the techniques I’ve proposed are revolutionary. But simple, unexciting answers are often the most valid. The challenge is having the will to adhere to them. If you succeed in following these 5 tips, you’ll be rewarded with increased mental acuity and retention of knowledge.

Tips to Keep the Smell of Your Perfume Last Longer

For me, perfume is important. It gives good smell to my surrounding, It also as an interpretation of someone’s character (that is what perfume master said :)). It is increasing my confidence, even without perfume, I am a confident woman. Perfume is very important for me because it is very expensive. That is why; I have to keep the fragrance last longer, because gradually the scent will reduce. It just like wasting my money for nothing, if the perfume became scentless, right?

According to Fragrance Foundation, global organization which focusing on perfume industry, the best way to keep perfume is put it in a cupboard/drawer with room temperature, and better keep it inside its box.

These are some reasons why perfume can be scentless or changing colors and some tips onhow to keep perfume:

  1. Perfume has sensitive contents to heat, cold, drastic changing temperature, direct sun light , and humidity. So it will not good if you keep or put your perfume in car, on the table, in the refrigerator, or in the bathroom. In the car or on the table, it may expose directly to the sunlight and the heat. In the refrigerator, it is too cold and caused temperature fluctuation when you take it out and put it back into the refrigerator. Only cologne which is suitable to keep in the refrigerator. In the bathroom, sometime we take a bath using hot water, the steam from the water can cause oxidation and color changing to the perfume.
  2. The better to keep perfume is inside the cupboard or drawer. Don’t forget to put the perfume inside its original box first, to prevent it from direct sun light.
  3. Perfume in dark/blur color bottle stays longer than perfume in light-color/transparent bottle. Because the dark color bottle prevents it from direct sun light.
  4. I know perfume bigger bottle means you do not have buy perfume frequently and seems saving more money. However, it is better to buy perfume in smaller bottle, because if we buy bigger bottle, and we unappropriate in keeping it, it will reduce the content and the smell.
Those are some tips on keeping perfume, so it smells good longer. Hopefully it’s useful for you all. Have nice try :)

4 Simple Steps To Look Pretty Everyday

For working women, sometimes they do not have enough time to have make-up. Especially if they are also mothers. They need to prepare breakfast for the family, preparing their children to go to school, bathing the baby, etc…etc…etc… (Such a very crowded morning). Even though, they have lots of things to do in the early day, it does not mean that they can’t look pretty during the day. There are some simple ways to be beautiful and stylish.

Here are the tips:

1. Wash your hair at nightYou do not need to wash your hair everyday, just two days a time. But if you have oily hair, it is better for you to wash it everyday. Just wash your hair before you sleep or during afternoon bath, then dry it with a hairdryer. Sothe next morning, you will have a clean-shinny and fluffy hair.

2. Use milk cleanser and tonerRather than wash your face with special face soap, it is better to clean your face using milk cleanser and toner. It will make your face clean and fresh, and does not wasting time either.

3. Simple hair styleDo not need difficult and complicated hairstyle. For professional look, just make neat ponytail. Making hair bun with simple accessories is also easy, save times, and look gorgeous too.
You can ask the hairstylist at the beauty salon for easy and simple hair cut, such as modern bob cut. If you want your long look neat and nice, ask the hairstylist for simple layers, which is easily to set. While mine is simply short hair :)

4. Minimalist makeupDo not need complete make up for daily use, and make sure that your make up has double functions. For example, choose foundation which has sunscreen, or powder which also has foundation, or moisturized lipstick, etc.
For eye shadow, choose soft and natural color for daily use. Besides, soft and natural color is easily to fit with any color of your clothes. You can use single color for eye shadow. After that blush your cheek with blush on.

Sometimes, if I was too busy to apply eye shadow and blush on, then use lipstick will be just fine. Simple lipstick color has coloring your face and your day:)

It is simple, easy, saving time, and looks stylish either, on your crowded morning

Learn How to Type Faster With These 8 Sites

As some of the readers (and editors) of my articles will attest to, my typing skills leave something to be desired. While I use all of the fingers of my right hand, I only use the index finger of my left. Yep, I'm a horrible typist, and I won't even try to cover it up. However, it's never too late to try and improve; here's a couple of sites that will help you type better and faster in no time. - A 10-step typing tutorial program that teaches you more finger placements in each lesson, and then tests you on them. When you're all done there is a speed test to see how you improved. - Has over 27 lessons, offers 18 different keyboard layouts and is available in multiple languages. - Offers a typing test to test where you are skill wise, and besides teaching just the QWERTY keyboard setup, they also offer AZERTY and Dvorak layouts. Also has lessons for kids as it's never too early to start learning to type.
    PowerTyping - Okay, so maybe typing sites aren't all fancy with rounded corner logos, or gradient images, but did you come to look at the pretty, or to learn to type? This site focuses on QWERTY and Dvorak keyboard layouts.
    Peter’s Typing Lessons - While the site has a very 1990's feel to it, the site explains this is on purpose so as not to distract you from the purpose of the site which is to teach. Teaches you all th rudimentary skills you need to get started on the road to being a better typist. - Offers lessons on normal keyboard placement, and has practice lessons for touch typing and speed tests. Also offers a nice selection of information on safe typing so you don't develop things such as Carpel Tunnel Syndrome.
    TypingWeb - A full-featured online typing tutor with lessons, games, statistics to track your progress and more. The system is free for individuals, and they do have packages available for schools and companies for a fee with group progress reports.
Bonus: after you're done with all these, you can have some fun with Qwerty Warriors, a strangely addicting game that forces you to type faster and faster before the enemies swarm you.

Why Men Are Better Than Women

10 Reasons Why Men Are Better Than Women

Woman CryingA few weeks ago, the young lasses over at College Candy asked us if we'd like to engage in a friendly bout of he said–she said during our slow holiday weeks. In their email, they suggested that we delve into, and debate, the age-old topic of why one sex is better than the other. You know, men verses women, not vaginal verses anal. These broads must be delusional thinking they have a puncher's chance of winning this fight. You and I both know that there really doesn't need to be an entire debate or dueling articles to crown men the superior gender. But we'll do it anyway.

I love women, and I don't get any kicks from knocking them down a peg (some obviously excluded), which means I'm going to do these broads a solid by pointing out a few initial omissions. This list won't include anything about their monthly bloodbath, the sex appeal of a c-section scar, or the perils of menopause. On top of those obvious reasons why we're better, I'll go one step further and refrain from spewing all the ultra-offensive and insensitive reasons why men bulldoze women. I had some humdingers lined up too (use your imagination), but even with those removed, I still have quite the staunch list and it should easily solidify our dominance.

So here goes nothing: 10 brief reasons why men are better than women. Check out College Candy's list of why women are better here.
10. We don't cry at the drop of a hat
About 99% of the time, a man is an emotionless, carefree renegade. The other 1% is allotted for those rare occurrences like the death of a loved one, championship game defeats, and ESPN's "My Wish" segments. We also reserve the right to cry or get rattled over other personal tragedies like blowing our load in a fertile chick or losing our dick entirely.

Girl Peeing Pants9. We can piss discreetly in public
This might seem like a minute thing, but we can literally piss anywhere with no hassle. I once relieved myself in the middle of the fairway on a golf course during a tournament. I knelt down, pulled out my piece, and pretended to tie my shoe as I pissed on one of Mother Earth's finer landscapes. I'd like to see Natalie Gulbis pull that off. No, seriously, I would.

8. We don't have an extra layer of body fat or those sexy vagina bellies
Ask Billy Nye, this argument is backed by science.

7. Religions favor men
Last I checked it was a man who beat crucifixion and rose from the dead. Did I just go there? Uh, yea I did. You know where else I can go? An Islamic country... without a fucking head dress.

6. We're more creative
For instance, tackling this tired old topic wasn't our idea. Yet, we obliged because we're men and dick measuring is fun. Need more proof? Google, Facebook, Apple, YouJizz... all masterminded by dudes.

5. We have better/more loyal friends
Chicks are petty, catty, and gossip queens. You and your "girlies" may be "besties" now, but that's only until the two of you go after the same guy and someone loses. Instead of sacking up and blaming yourself for being fat and disgusting, you blame your hotter friend and say she got the guy because she is a slut.

4. We know how to share
I might actually be Eskimo brothers with over 50% of my friends. How many women, who don't flock in orgy circles, can say that? Which coincidentally brings me to my next point.

3. We can fuck without repercussions
Am I a slut? No shot. I'm just a guy with a curious cock, that's all. A man about the people. I ask you what woman who sleeps around can say that? Huh? A two-bit, freeloadin' whore, that's who.

2. We're respected as athletes
You don't believe me, ladies? Well, why do you think ESPN gave you your very own website? Because the demand to read about UConn's latest 50-point win is so high? Or is this ESPN's way of saying, "Sure, you could drink from the men's water fountain, but that one over there is labeled 'women' so why not just use it?" ESPNW smells like Segregation 2.0 to me.

1. When we're done, you're done
Whether its five minutes into it, or 30 minutes after you've already squirted the good squirt, it's over when the man finishes or gives up (because he's too drunk or unenthused to finish). I mean, when is the last time a man came and then kept going for another 20 minutes just so the chick could get off? Had to have been in the 1960s.

23 incredible new technologies you’ll see by 2021


Ultrabooks – The last two years have been all about the tablet. Laptops, with their “untouchable” screens, have yet to match any tablet’s featherweight portability and zippy response times. However, by next year, ultraportable notebooks–Ultrabooks–will finally be available for under $1000, bringing a complete computing experience into areas of life which, until now, have only been partially filled by smaller technologies such as tablets and smartphones. They weigh around three pounds, measure less than an inch thick, and the hard drives are flash-based, which means they’ll have no moving parts, delivering zippy-quick startups and load times.
The Mars Science Laboratory – By August 2012, the next mission to Mars will reach the Martian surface with a new rover named Curiosity focusing on whether Mars could ever have supported life, and whether it might be able to in the future. Curiosity will be more than 5 times larger than the previous Mars rover, and the mission will cost around $2.3 billion — or just about one and a half New Yankee Stadiums.

The Brain Cap, from U of Maryland.
The paralyzed will walk. But, perhaps not in the way that you’d imagine. Using a machine-brain interface, researchers are making it possible for otherwise paralyzed humans to control neuroprostheses–essentially mechanical limbs that respond to human thought–allowing them to walk and regain bodily control. The same systems are also being developed for the military, which one can only assume means this project won’t flounder due to a lack of funding.


The Rise of Electronic Paper – Right now, e-paper is pretty much only used in e-readers like the Kindle, but it’s something researchers everywhere are eager to expand uponFull-color video integration is the obvious next step, and as tablet prices fall, it’s likely newspapers will soon be fully eradicated from their current form. The good news: less deforestation, and more user control over your sources.
4G will be the new standard in cell phone networks. What this means: your phone will download data about as fast as your home computer can. While you’ve probably seen lots of 4G banter from the big cell providers, it’s not very widely available in most phones. However, both Verizon and the EU intend to do away with 3G entirely by 2013, which will essentially bring broadband-level speeds to wireless devices on cell networks. It won’t do away with standard internet providers, but it will bring “worldwide WiFi” capabilities to anyone with a 4G data plan.
The Eye of Gaia, a billion-pixel telescope will be sent into space this year to begin photographing and mapping the universe on a scale that was recently impossible. With the human eye, one can see several thousand stars on a clear night; Gaia will observe more than a billion over the course of its mission–about 1% of all the stars in the Milky Way. As well, it will look far beyond our own galaxy, even as far as the end of the (observable) universe.


A 1 Terabyte SD Memory Card probably seems like an impossibly unnecessary technological investment. Many computers still don’t come with that much memory, much less SD memory cards that fit in your digital camera. Yet thanks to Moore’s Law we can expect that the 1TB SD card will become commonplace in 2014, and increasingly necessary given the much larger swaths of data and information that we’re constantly exchanging every day (thanks to technologies like memristors and our increasing ever-connectedness). The only disruptive factor here could be the rise of cloud-computing, but as data and transfer speeds continue to rise, it’s inevitable that we’ll need a physical place to store our digital stuff.
The first around-the-world flight by a solar-powered plane will be accomplished by now, bringing truly clean energy to air transportation for the first time. Consumer models are still far down the road, but you don’t need to let your imagination wander too far to figure out that this is definitely a game-changer. Consider this: it took humans quite a few milennia to figure out how to fly; and only a fraction of that time to do it with solar power.

The Solar Impulse, to be flown around the world. Photo by Stephanie Booth
The world’s most advanced polar icebreaker is currently being developed as a part of the EU’s scientific development goals and is scheduled to launch in 2014. As global average temperatures continue to climb, an understanding and diligence to the polar regions will be essential to monitoring the rapidly changing climates–and this icebreaker will be up to the task.
$100 personal DNA sequencing is what’s being promised by a company called BioNanomatrix, which the company founder Han Cao has made possible through his invention of the ‘nanofluidic chip.’ What this means: by being able to cheaply sequence your individual genome, a doctor could biopsy a tumor, sequence the DNA, and use that information to determine a prognosis and prescribe treatment for less than the cost of a modern-day x-ray. And by specifically inspecting the cancer’s DNA, treatment can be applied with far more specific–and effective–accuracy.


The world’s first zero-carbon, sustainable city in the form of Masdar City will be initially completed just outside of Abu Dhabi. The city will derive power solely from solar and other renewable resources, offer homes to more than 50,000 people.
Personal 3D Printing is currently reserved for those with extremely large bank accounts or equally large understandings about 3D printing; but by 2015, printing in three dimensions (essentially personal manufacturing) will become a common practice in the household and in schools. Current affordable solutions include do-it-yourself kits like Makerbot, but in four years it should look more like a compact version of the uPrint. Eventually, this technology could lead to technologies such as nanofabricators and matter replicators–but not for at least a few decades.


Space tourism will hit the mainstream. Well, sorta. Right now it costs around $20-30 million to blast off and chill at the International Space Station, or $200,000 for a sub-orbital spaceflight from Virgin Galactic. But the market is growing faster than most realize: within five years, companies like Space IslandGalactic Suite, and Orbital Technologies may realize their company missions, with space tourism packages ranging from $10,000 up-and-backs to $1 million five-night stays in an orbiting hotel suite.
The sunscreen pill will hit the market, protecting the skin as well as the eyes from UV rays. By reverse-engineering the way coral reefs shield themselves from the sun, scientists are very optimistic about the possibility, much to the dismay of sunscreen producers everywhere.

Back from extinction. Image by JenJeff.
A Wooly Mammoth will be reborn among other now-extinct animals in 2016, assuming all goes according to the current plans of Japan’s Riken Center for Developmental Biology. If they can pull it off, expect long lines at Animal Kingdom.


Portable laser pens that can seal wounds – Imagine you’re hiking fifty miles from the nearest human, and you slip, busting your knee wide open, gushing blood. Today, you might stand a chance of some serious blood loss–but in less than a decade you might be carrying a portable laser pen capable of sealing you back up Wolverine-style.


Light Peak technology, a method of super-high-data-transfer, will enable more than 100 Gigabytes per second–and eventually whole terabytes per second–within everyday consumer electronics. This enables the copying of entire hard drives in a matter of seconds, although by this time the standard hard drive is probably well over 2TB.
Insect-sized robot spies aren’t far off from becoming a reality, with the military currently hard at work to bring Mission Impossible-sized tech to the espionage playground. Secret weapon: immune to bug spray.


The average PC has the power of the human brain. According to Ray Kurzweil, who has a better grip on the future than probably anyone else, the Law of Accelerating Returns will usher in an exponentially greater amount of computing power than every before.

The Web Within Us. Image by Anna Lena Schiller.
Web 3.0 – What will it look like? Is it already here? It’s always difficult to tell just where we stand in terms of technological chronology. But if we assume that Web 1.0 was based only upon hyperlinks, and Web 2.0 is based on the social, person-to-person sharing of links, then Web 3.0 uses a combination of socially-sourced information, curated by a highly refined, personalizable algorithm (“they” call it the Semantic Web). We’re already in the midst of it, but it’s still far from its full potential.
Energy from a fusion reactor has always seemed just out of reach. It’s essentially the process of producing infinite energy from a tiny amount of resources, but it requires a machine that can contain a reaction that occurs at over 125,000,000 degrees. However, right now in southern France, the fusion reactor of the future is being built to power up by 2019, with estimates of full-scale fusion power available by 2030.


Crash-proof cars have been promised by Volvo, to be made possible by using radar, sonar, and driver alert systems. Considering automobile crashes kill over 30,000 people in the U.S. per year, this is definitely a welcome technology.


So, what should we expect in 2021? Well, 10 years ago, what did you expect to see now? Did you expect the word “Friend” to become a verb? Did you expect your twelve-year-old brother to stay up texting until 2am? Did you expect 140-character messaging systems enabling widespread revolutions against decades-old dictatorial regimes?
The next 10 years will be an era of unprecedented connectivity; this much we know. It will build upon the social networks, both real and virtual, that we’ve all played a role in constructing, bringing ideas together that would have otherwise remained distant, unknown strangers. Without twitter and a steady drip of mainstream media, would we have ever so strongly felt the presence of the Arab Spring? What laughs, gasps, or loves, however fleeting, would have been lost if not for Chatroulette? Keeping in mind that as our connections grow wider and more intimate, so too will the frequency of our connectedness, and as such, your own understanding of just what kinds of relationships are possible will be stretched and revolutionized as much as any piece of hardware.
Truly, the biggest changes we’ll face will not come in the form of any visible technology; the changes that matter most, as they always have, will occur in those places we know best but can never quite see: our own hearts and minds.

Top 10 Hackers of all Time in the World

To be a hacker its my duty to introduce you to the Top 10 Hackers in 2012. These hackers are being so strong as they can hack anything. They are certified as well as trained. Most of them are now working as on job of Security Experts from high companies due to their skills. So lets see who's on top and leading the race!

1. Gary McKinnon
[Image: 2.jpg]

Garry is considered as one of the best hackers of all time. USA declared him as the biggest military computer hacker ever. He whacked the security system of NASA and Pentagon. This made him one of the great black hat hacker celebrities and got his name into the hacker's community. The nerd is now facing 70 years of imprisonment and is deprived from accessing internet. He has illegally accessed 97 computers and has caused around $700,000 damage to the economy.

2. Robert Tappan Morris
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He is the creator of the Morris Worm, the first computer worm to be unleashed on the Internet. As a result of this crime, he was the first person prosecuted under the 1986 Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Morris wrote the code for the worm while he was a student at Cornell. He asserts that he intended to use it to see how large the Internet was. The worm, however, replicated itself excessively, slowing computers down so that they were no longer usable. It is not possible to know exactly how many computers were affected, but experts estimate an impact of 6,000 machines. He was sentenced to three years’ probation, 400 hours of community service and a fined $10,500. Morris is currently working as a tenured professor at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.

3. Jonathan James
[Image: 4.jpg]

Jonathan James is better known as comrade and he was the first teenager to be held captive for computer hacking when he was only sixteen years old. When he was accused of hacking several websites he said that he was actually having a look and fooling around and that what he found really interesting was the challenge to see what he could do.

4. Kevin Mitnick
[Image: 5.jpg]

Kevin started with his minor cyber crimes when he was twelve years old. The first thing he did was hack the Los Angeles Bus system in order to get free bus tickets. After that he continued his hacking career by damaging the FBI, DEC, IBM, Motorola, Nokia, Sun Microsystems and Siemens. He was sent to prison for five years and eight months and when he was freed he decided to set up Mitnick Security, which is a safety consultancy company that offers its services for multinational firms.

5. Raphael Gray
[Image: 6.png]

He hacked the computer systems around the world in over six weeks. He was 19 years when he performed the hacking. His mission was to make a multi- million pound credit card. He published about 6,500 credit cards as an example of weak security in the consumer websites.

6. Mark Abene
[Image: 7.jpg]

Most people wouldn’t know who Mark Abene because he is more famous for his nickname Phiber Optik. He was the one who created the Master of Deception group. He had a passion for creating computer programs and he was always trying to learn new things, which made him access controversial sites. He is world famous because he is the ultimate computer hacking acts in the world.

7. Vladimir Levin
[Image: 8.jpg]

He was a high-profile cyberpunk back in the days. He graduated from St. Petersburg Teknologichesky University and was able to hack Citibank from New York and send more than ten million dollars to several of his accounts not only in the United States but also in Europe and in Israel. A real computer hacker.

8. Kevin Poulsen
[Image: 9.jpg]

Also known as Dark Dante, Poulsen gained recognition for his hack of LA radio’s KIIS-FM phone lines, (taing over all of the station’s phone lines) which earned him a brand new Porsche, among other items. Law enforcement dubbed him “the Hannibal Lecter of computer crime.”Authorities began to pursue Poulsen after he hacked into a federal investigation database. During this pursuit, he further drew the ire of the FBI by hacking into federal computers for wiretap information.His hacking specialty, however, revolved around
telephones. Poulsen’s most famous hack, In a related feat, Poulsen also “reactivated old Yellow Page escort telephone numbers for an acquaintance who then ran a virtual escort agency.” Later, when his photo came up on the show Unsolved Mysteries, 1-800 phone lines for the program crashed. Ultimately, Poulsen was captured in a supermarket and served a sentence of five years.Since serving time, Poulsen has worked as a journalist. He is now a senior editor for Wired News. His most prominent article details his work on identifying 744 sex offenders with MySpace profiles.

9. Onel A. de Guzman
[Image: 10.jpg]

He is one of the best international hacker of all time and a Filipino computer student as well.
During his time period, he creates a “Love Bug” virus that crippled computer e-mail systems worldwide.

10. Adrian Lamo
[Image: 11.jpg]

The threat analyst and grey hat hacker broke into various high profile computers like New York Times, yahoo and Microsoft that lead to his arrest in the year 2003. He used his internet connections at libraries and coffee shops. The black hat hacker was sentenced to six month home confinement and two years of probation and two years of probation which is expired on January 16, 2007. Now he a great public speaker and a award winning journalist.