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vendredi 8 février 2013

How to be lovely person ???

Your attitude: To be lovely, you must have a lovely personality. Be sure to maintain the same personality at all times. Treat people the way you would like to be treated and show respect to all who deserve it. Always try to be kind and gracious to everyone. Have an optimistic attitude, always see the glass as half full as opposed to half empty. Learn to laugh at life and at yourself. Keep things in perspective, and don't take yourself too seriously. Try to have a positive outlook on life and treat life as if it is a gift.

Heart and soul: Have a heart of gold and a kind soul. Try to always be sympathetic toward others and always have the best for yourself and others in mind. Empathy is a great skill to acquire if you really are to be a lovely person. Empathy is the ability to imagine yourself in others shoes, always consider how others are feeling and be genuinely kind. People with a kind soul and a heart of gold are difficult to find, but they are of course, very lovely.

Love: Well the word lovely is deprived from the word love, so it makes sense that love is important. You must be able to love yourself if you want others to love you. Remember, love is infinite; you can create as much of it as you like with out taking any away. Don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve (be open about your emotions) and share the love around. People will think you are lovely for it.

Morals and beliefs: If you would like to be genuinely lovely, it is a good idea to develop or identify your morals and beliefs. Figure out your values, and exercise them. For example, if you are a supporter of human rights or equal rights, stand by these beliefs and always stand up for what you believe in. Stick to your morals and beliefs, they make you who you are and only you can change that.

Be social: Talk to and compliment plenty of people, be a ‘social butterfly’. Show off your lovely personality by making new friends, giving compliments and even organizing parties... The possibilities are endless. Give out genuine compliments, but be careful not to over do it. A single compliment can brighten ones mood completely. People really love to be complimented and they also love to feel like they want to be talked to. Others will really appreciate your effort.

Look lovely: Like it or not, being lovely in this society also involves looking lovely. Try to look your best by taking good care of yourself. Have good hygiene, dress carefully and take pride in your appearance. No matter what your style, try to always look presentable and lovely. If you are stuck for ideas, a simple dress can look very feminine and lovely, give it a go. Keep the makeup simple and always keep your nails and hair clean. Shiny hair is definitely lovely. Don’t be afraid to experiment, it may take a while to find what works best for you, good luck!

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