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vendredi 8 février 2013

Top 6 Movies Upcoming 2013

Now we know what’s confirmed for next year so let’s take a look at the top 30 most anticipated new movies of 2013. While it doesn’t quite match this year for exciting titles, it is the biggest ever for science-fiction and there are many intriguing prospects. Will these be 2013′s best movies? Let us know in the comments.
6th – Thor: The Dark World
Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Hiddleston
Director: Alan Taylor
Out: July 26, 2013

Marvel says the crux of ‘Thor 2′ is continuing the dynamic between Thor and Jane, as well as the relationship between Thor and Odin. Loki will be present but eclipsed by a bigger villain. Rumour has it that will be both Asgardian sorceress The Enchantress and Jotunheimian warrior The Executioner, long-time enemies of Thor. The plot will also cover what has been happening in the nine realms since the Asgardians have been unable to use the Bifrost. Don’t be surprised if ‘Avengers’-cameo-maker Thanos pops in briefly to steal the infinity gauntlet from Odin and set up ‘Avengers 2′. The director of TV’s ‘Game Of Thrones’ takes over from Kenneth Branagh.
5th – Gravity
Starring: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Out: TBC 2013

A space mission to repair the Hubble telescope meets disaster when satellite debris collides with the space station, destroying most of it and killing all but two astronauts. The remaining pair must now fight for survival and try to find a way home. This will be shot in the same style as the director’s ‘Children Of Men’, and anyone who saw that knows just how visually amazing it should be in a space setting. In fact, it’s said to be even more ambitious, with new rigs to create subjective immersion in space – James Cameron says it’s “5 years ahead of its time” on a technical level. That’s some hype. Can’t wait to see it, even if Sandra Bullock isn’t the most interesting leading actress.
4th – The Hobbit: The Desolation Of Smaug
Starring: Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Hugo Weaving
Director: Peter Jackson
Out: December 13, 2013

After crossing the Misty Mountains, Thorin and Company must seek aid from a powerful stranger before taking on the dangers of Mirkwood Forest. If they reach the human settlement of Lake-town it will be time for the hobbit Bilbo to fulfil his contract with the dwarves. Will they discover what has become of Gandalf? This is the second of three Hobbit movies, all of which were filmed largely back-to-back. Each has been fleshed out with details not in the novel. The final part follows six months later. Expect good things.
3rd – Star Trek Into Darkness
Starring: Crew from previous movie, Benedict Cumberbatch, Alice Eve, Peter Weller
Director: J.J. Abrams
Out: May 17, 2013

After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction. 2009′s pleasant surprise returns, keeping the same cast and director. Benedict Cumberbatch will play the villain, said to be similar to Khan (from ‘Star Trek II’). Peter Weller will be a supporting bad guy, described as an ‘evil CEO’. Alice Eve is a femme fatale. Location-wise, it will feature a “jungle planet” (that’s rather Project Genesis?). If the movie has half the impact of the original ‘Star Trek II’ it will be terrific entertainment.
2nd – Iron Man 3
Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce, Ben Kingsley, Rebecca Hall
Director: Shane Black
Out: May 3, 2013

Borrowing elements from the ‘Extremis’ graphic novel, this is about Tony Stark dealing with a virus that spreads through nanotechnology. Rebecca Hall (‘The Town’) plays Stark’s intellectual equal, a brilliant scientist who develops the nanotechnology that unintentionally lands in the hands of terrorists. Guy Pearce plays Aldich Killian, the evil geneticist who creates the virus. Ben Kingsley plays Mandarin, the villain pulling the strings. The hugely underrated Shane Black (‘Kiss Kiss Bang Bang’) is writing/directing, and the movie will have a global travel aspect similar to James Bond. There won’t be a role for Black Widow or any of The Avengers.
1st – Superman: Man Of Steel
Starring: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner
Director: Zack Snyder
Out: June 14, 2013

Superman reboot developed by Christopher Nolan, with a script from ‘Dark Knight’ co-writer David Goyer, although it’s definitely now Zack Snyder’s (’300′, ‘Watchmen’) movie. So expect strong visuals and action, based off solid story elements. Brandon Routh is out as Superman, replaced by ‘Immortals’ star Henry Cavill. Amy Adams is Lois Lane. Costner and Diane Lane are Ma and Pa Kent. Laurence Fishburne is Perry White. Russell Crowe will pull a Brando as Superman’s ill-fated father on Krypton. Michael Shannon is a solid pick for the rebooted General Zod (an army leader with several Kryptonian soldiers by his side). They have wisely got rid of Lex Luthor and, despite Zod, this is the first Superman movie to really go off the comics and not Richard Donner’s vision. Has enormous potential.

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